Contact Lists
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This page helps you create and manage the contact lists in your account.
Total Contacts: The number of contacts in all your contact lists.
Total Contact Lists: The number of contact lists in your account.
Search: Search for the contact lists by name, status, creation date, or total contacts.
Name: Name of the contact list.
Status: Shows the current state of the contact list, i.e., Active, Delete, etc.
Total Contacts: Number of contacts in a specific list.
Percentage By Type: This field breaks down the contacts based on the line type in percentage.
DNC: Shows the High-risk DNCs and the number of internal DNC matches.
Actions: Under this field, you can perform different actions on the contact lists:
Stats: Shows the demographic data about contact lists. The Stats page shows the following information:
Mobile Percentage: Shows the percentage of the entries with the Line Type set to Mobile.
Landline Percentage: Shows the percentage of the entries with the Line Type set to Landline.
High Risk Count: This shows the total numbers flagged as High Risk. This includes the numbers with the risk of being TCPA Litigators or honeypots.
Others Percentage: Shows the percentage of the entries with the Line Type set to Others, i.e., VoIP.
Total Contacts: Shows how many contacts are available in a contact list.
DNC Count: The count of internal DNC entries.
Line Type Graph: Shows the Line Type (Mobile, Landline, Others) breakdown graphically with a pie chart.
Carrier Break Down: Upon hovering, this graph shows the carrier name and the percentage associated with it.
State Map: Shows a state heat map of data and its frequency in specific states.
Contact List Used In: Shows the campaigns in which the selected contact list has been used.
Edit: Shows options to make changes to existing contact list.
Download: You can download the contact list with the following details in CSV format:
Number: The number of the person in the contact list.
State: The state based on area code.
Type: The line type of the phone number.
Company: The carriers associated with the phone number.
DNC: Specifies if the number is on the internal DNC (Yes/No).
High Risk: Specifies if the number is a known high-risk number (Yes/No).
National DNC: Shows if the number is on the national DNC list (Yes/No).
Delete: The Trashcan icon deletes the contact list after confirmation.
Create Contact List: This button lets you create a new contact list. You first need to specify the name of the list in the following screen and click Save:
Then, you will see the options to upload the contact list.
Drop the file or click the link to paste the contacts from a table. After uploading the contact list, you will see the following interface.
Here, you can choose the encoding, switch rows and columns, and choose the table header. Once done, click Next.
On the Map Columns screen, choose a column to map with the Number field and click Next.
Verify the data by going through it and cancel out unwanted entries. You can also choose not to keep headers and view invalid entries only by choosing the corresponding options.
When you click on the Find and Replace button, the following form appears:
Column Names: Choose the column to find the entry.
Find: Enter the data to look for.
Case Sensitive: Choose if you want to change certain appearances of the data.
Exact Match: Choose if you want to look for the exact match of what you typed.
Replace With: Text to replace the found occurrences.
Once done, click the Submit button, and the contact list will be added to the Contact Lists page.