🎩Understanding the User Interface

Before diving deep into how things work, let's take you through different elements of the main interface.

  1. Navigation: This section helps you navigate between different pages.

    • Dashboard: Summarize the activities on your call campaigns.

    • Campaigns: Displays campaign-specific details.

    • Number: Displays the list of numbers you currently have.

    • DNC: Shows Do Not Call list.

    • Contact Lists: View different contact lists.

    • Incoming Call Logs: Shows the received calls.

    • Outgoing Call Logs: Shows the sent calls.

    • Recordings: View and manage recordings.

    • Payments: View payment details and history.

  2. Day and Time: Top bar displays the day and campaign hours based on American or Central Standard Time (CST).

  3. Current Balance: This is a clickable field that displays the balance details:

  4. View Mode and Notification: The Moon icon lets you switch the interface from dark to light mode and vice versa.

The Bell icon displays the notifications about your campaigns and account.

  1. Profile Picture: Displays more profile settings and logout option.

  1. Selected Page: This area displays the page-specific elements.

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