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The Recordings page shows all the recordings that are available for you to use. You can also create new recordings or manage the existing ones from here.
Total Recordings: The total number of recordings you have uploaded to the system.
Average Duration: Shows the average timing of your recordings.
Recordings Table: Under the recordings table, you will find the following data:
Name: Shows the name of the recording.
Creation Date: Mentions the date at which the recording was uploaded.
Duration: Defines the length of the recording.
Actions: Shows different options to manage recordings:
Edit: The Pencil icon allows you to change the recording name.
Play: Allows you to play the recording,
Download: Let you download a recording.
Delete: The Trashcan icon allows you to delete a recording after confirmation.
Eye Icon: This icon shows the campaigns where a recording has been used.
Create Recordings: You can add a new recording to your account using the Create Recordings button.
Recording Name: Specify the name of the recording.
Select Recording Files: Browse and upload the recordings from your computer.