The DNC (Do Not Call) page lets you add and manage the DNCs. You can also upload DNC lists and export the existing ones.

  • Search: Search for the DNC number by date or number.

  • DNC Table: This table shows the numbers added to the DNC, their creation date, and actions. Under Actions, you can only Delete a DNC by clicking on the Trashcan icon. It displays a confirmation message before deleting a record.

  • Export DNCs: This option lets you export the DNC. The exported file includes ID, DNC number, Raw DNC Number, User who created the number, and creation date.

  • Upload DNC: Upload DNC button lets you upload a DNC list available on your system. Using this feature, you can upload up to 500,000 numbers to the DNC list at once.

  • Create DNC: You can add new numbers to the DNC list by clicking this button.

Last updated